Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Breast Lift is a common surgical procedure aimed at improving the shape and appearance of the breasts. Many women experience loss of breast elasticity and sagging due to aging, pregnancy, or weight fluctuations, affecting their self-confidence. At Gulglam Clinics, we perform breast lift surgery to address these concerns and restore the breasts to a youthful and firm appearance.

Stages of Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon at Gulglam Clinics, and the main steps of the procedure include:

1.     Medical Consultation: The individual meets with the surgeon to discuss their surgical goals and medical history, including medications, diseases, medical and surgical backgrounds, and available options.

2.     Anesthesia: The patient undergoes local or general anesthesia during the surgery.

3.     Surgery: The surgeon makes the necessary incisions and lifts the breasts precisely according to the pre-planned agreement between the patient and the doctor.

4.     Wound Healing: The surgical wounds are closed after the operation, and necessary dressings are applied.

5.     Recovery Phase: The individual follows postoperative rest and wound care instructions, and is advised to wear a special bra to support the breasts during wound healing.

Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery

We at Gulglam Clinics discuss the benefits that patients can expect after undergoing breast lift surgery to ensure full understanding and anticipation of possible results, including:

  • Lifting the breasts higher on the chest.
  • Making the breasts more symmetrical or identical to each other.
  • Reducing the size of the areola and making it face forward rather than downward.
  • Removing excess skin and sagging that may occur with the breasts over time.
  • Reshaping the breasts for a more consistent appearance.
  • Tightening breast tissues to provide better support for the breast structure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Expected Results of Breast Lift Surgery?

After breast lift surgery, the woman will notice an improvement in the shape and appearance of her breasts, as they will appear younger and firmer. Breast lift surgery also increases self-confidence and psychological comfort for the individual after the operation, and it can also help correct any aesthetic flaws such as breast sagging or asymmetry between them, which we aim to achieve at Gulglam Clinics.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Breast Lift Surgery?
  1. Pain and Swelling: You may feel some pain and swelling in the breast area after surgery, but these symptoms can be relieved with medications prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Changes in Sensation: You may experience some changes in sensation in the breast after surgery, such as temporary sensitivity or loss of sensation in the treated area. These changes usually improve over time.
  3. Scars: The surgery may leave some scars on the breast, but they fade over time and may become less noticeable over the months.
  4. Changes in Shape: Some changes in the shape of the breast may occur after surgery, such as changes in the position and shape of the nipple.
What Are the Causes of Breast Sagging?

With aging, breast shapes change, and elasticity may be lost, leading to stretching, swelling, or sagging of the breasts. Among the causes are:

  • Aging
  • Breastfeeding
  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Significant weight loss.